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Add this to light cream for a delicious Creme Fraiche that may be served fresh or used in cooking. When drained slightly, it will even produce a creamy Mascarpone cheese. CULTURE INCLUDES: lactose, (LLC) lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, (LL) lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, (LLD) lactococcus lactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis, microbial coagulant enzyme.YIELD: Each packet will set up to 1 quart with a yield of approximately 1 pound.DIRECTIONS: Heat 1 qt. pasteurized light cream or 1/2 & 1/2 to 86ºF. Add and mix in 1 packet, let set at room temperature, undisturbed, for 12 hours or until thickened (as in yogurt).For a thicker texture ladle the curd gently into a butter muslin lined colander, hang and drain 6-12 hours. Refrigerate and enjoy!
STORAGE: Keep packages in the freezer, they will last up to 2 years.
DISCOUNTS: If you really love these you can buy 12 or more (5 packs) and you will receive our price break of $4.95 for each 5 pack.
NOTE: Our recipe (on the package) calls for Butter Muslin (U2)