Homebrew Supplies NH - The HomeBrew Barn18 Lafayette Rd., North Hampton NH 03862 603-379-9138
The HomeBrew Barn is the Seacoast's home brew supply shop fully stocked with all the home brewing equipment, supplies, and ingredients you need to brew beer and wine at home.
We have a vast selection of ingredients and specialize in our Beer Clone Ingredient Kits. We offer hands on instructional classes for beer, wine and cheese making. We supply all wine making equipment, large or small, seasonal fresh juice and grape offerings, and many wine kits. We offer starter kits including everything you need to brew beer or wine. We also offer Cheese, Vinegar and Kombucha supplies and equipment. You can find Kegging Equipment and Supplies, Stock and Custom Kegerators, as well as CO2 fills. At The HomeBrew Barn, we are hobbyists who love to make beer and wine. Our goal is to share our knowledge, experience and passion with you. We invite you to learn just how easy it is. The HomeBrew Barn is your source for all items related to brewing beer and making wine, stop by our home brew supply shop today! About Us
The HomeBrew Barn is owned and operated by Kirby Marchi. Kirby's passion for beer and wine making began when he was a student at the University of New Hampshire. He has 35 years of experience making all things fermented. Kirby has worked at major supply distributors, taught instructional classes, and consulted with many breweries and winemakers.
Inspired by his sons Jason and Nicholas to pursue his dream of owning his own shop, Kirby launched The HomeBrew Barn in 2012. Eager to bring the craft to the town where he and his family have lived for 30 years, Kirby is sharing his passion and talent at The HomeBrew Barn. Contact Us
603-379-9138 Visit UsVisit our retail store located18 Lafayette Road Unit 9 North Hampton, NH 03862 Store Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday -Thursday: 12:00pm-6:00pm 12/30 and 12/31: 10:00am-2pm, Jan 1: Closed Friday: 10:00am-6:00pm Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed